Dear Brothers and Sisters

It has been two years since the Building Committee was charged by the church board to study the feasibility to rebuild the Matilda house. In 2013, we contracted a lawyer, architect, and site engineer to begin the work. In January 2014 a preliminary layout for the inside and exterior of the proposed building was already drawn. It has taken eleven months with numerous iterations and revisions. Finally, in mid-December all drawings – site plans, architectural, and engineering plans were completed and sent to five builders to bid.

Looking back in this past year, I want to thank brothers and sisters for your fervent prayers, especially before the public hearing, and the DRCC’s (Delaware & Raritan Canal Commission’s) request for storm water design which would have cost us tens of thousands of dollars and parking disruptions. Thanks to Pastor Jeff Whisman for representing CCCS and ten brothers / sisters for attending the public hearing.

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and answering your prayers. Amazingly, the township approved our rebuilding project in the first public hearing. In fact, one of the builders that we interviewed told us that he had never heard of getting approval for such major project in one public hearing. Also, the DRCC has agreed to waive the requirements for a storm water design. Glory be to our Lord!

Here are some milestones achieved in 2014:

  • March: Completion of preliminary sites and architectural plans for submittable to township.
  • April: Applications to township.
  • July: Public hearing and approval to rebuild.
  • June – September: Interviewing of builders.
  • August: Church board passed the rebuilding project and to recommend to congregants.
  • December:
    • Congregational approval to rebuild.
    • Completion of final site, architectural, and engineering plans.
    • RFP (Request for Proposal) to five builders.

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I am very excited and look forward to the date when we can dedicate the new building for the Lord’s use. As you have heard in the December 7th Congregational Meeting, the new building will be more than double the space in the current Matilda house. It will provide more than adequate rooms to all age groups, from babies to children, to youth, to adults, young or old in all three congregations. Also we will have room for future growth and outreach. The building will be in compliance to fire codes and the state’s latest energy codes. You might wonder how long it will take and what you can do to support the rebuilding project.

What you can do:

  • Prayerfully consider supporting the project financially. If the Lord puts it in your heart to support financially please complete a faith pledge form in the next two weeks so that the finance committee can determine the amount of loans needed. The smaller the loan amount the less interest we will have to pay.
  • Pray:
    • For the Lord to give us a right builder who will be honest, diligent and do good work with reasonable price.
    • Resolution of open items with the township.
    • Timely approval of our applications for permits.
    • Safety of our members, workers, and people trespassing.
    • Patience and endurance of our attendees during the construction.

Thank you!