
主題 Theme:
差派和差傳 Send and Sent
主題講員 Keynote Speaker:
李貝文傳道 ( Minister Isabel Lee )
貝文傳道生長在一個基督教家庭。藉著父母在主裏忠心的教導和生活上的見證她認識並接受主耶穌為她的救主。她的父母對全職服事有高度的重視,並全心全力為孩子們禱告,並鼓勵他們一生跟隨、服事主。貝文傳道畢業於華盛頓聖經學院和哥倫比亞國際大學,主修聖經與宣教。 她在SEND International (國際差傳協會) 任職 22 1/2年,在台灣客庄從事植堂:包括佈道,門徒訓練,督導,神學教學,台灣和東亞領導者培訓。她也曾在差會內與外擔任各項領導職務,分別在烏克蘭,俄羅斯的布里亞特共和國、韓國、埃及、印度、烏干達、泰國參與跨文化宣教、教導與培植領袖,督導有心投身於全職事奉的工人。參與在黎巴嫩,約旦,馬其頓,佐治亞州於馬利蘭州的阿富汗和敘利亞難民事工。近年來她也曾多次前往阿拉伯聯合酋長國、巴林、土耳其和卡塔爾了解上帝在穆民中的作為。 目前,貝文為馬利蘭中華聖經教會的全球外展與婦女事工傳道,她協調、籌備教會的宣道主日、監督、策劃、訓練短宣隊伍。「展望課程」(宣教心視野) (www.perspectives.org) 的固定講師。貝文也是國際差傳協會(www.send.org)美國地區與國際性的董事、國際執行委員以及人力資源和宣教士關懷委員。貝文傳道也是「短宣卓越標準」(www.soe.org)的董事,Missio Nexus (www.missionexus.org) 教會宣教領導顧問小組組員 (Church Mission Leader Advisory Group)。
Isabel was born and raised in a Christian home. She came to Christ at an early age through the faithful teaching and life testimonies of her parents. Her parents hold a high regard for ministry and commit to pray for their children and encourage them to follow the Lord and serve Him. Isabel graduated from Washington Bible College and Columbia International University in Bible and Missions. She served over 22 years with SEND International as a church planting missionary in three church plants among the Hakkas in Taiwan, and held various leadership roles. Her ministries involved evangelism, discipleship, seminary teaching and equipping leaders in Taiwan and China within SEND-Taiwan and beyond. After returning to the US, Isabel continues in cross-cultural missions. She has taught and trained national leaders in Ukraine, Siberia, Korea, Egypt, India, Uganda, and Thailand, and mentors those who are interested in missions. She served Syrian and Afghan refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Macedonia, Clarkston, GA and Riverdale, MD. In recent years, she has traveled to United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Turkey and Qatar to learn about God’s work in the Muslim world. Currently Isabel is the Minister of Global Outreach & Women's Ministries at CBCM (www.cbcm.org). She coordinates, plans Missions Sunday, oversees, strategizes, trains and leads missions teams. She is a regular instructor of Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, www.perspectives.org. She serves on the U.S. and International Boards of Directors of SEND International, www.send.org, Human Resources and Member Care Committee, International Executive Committee. Since 2020, she also serves on the Board of Directors of Standards of Excellence on Short-term Missions, www.soe.org, and Missio Nexus’ Church Mission Leaders Advisory Group, www.missionexus.org.
主日『宣教問題』提問鏈結: 中文版 <--點擊 click
10/22/2021 周五 Friday: 7:30 – 7:45 pm 禱告會 (新樓 202室) 8:00 – 9:30 pm <--點擊 click 信息一:呼召與邀請 Message 1: His Call and Invitation (馬太福音Matthew 4:19, 使徒行傳Acts 1:8, 約翰福音John 20:21) 青少年信息:你的立志 Youth Message: Purpose in Your Heart (但以理書 Daniel 1:1-9) 10/23/2021 周六 Saturday: 9:30 – 9:45 am 禱告會 (新樓 202室) 10:00 – 11:30 am <--點擊 click 信息二:為我拉繩索 Message 2: Holding the Ropes (使徒行傳Acts 13:1-3, 腓立比書 Philippians 4:16-18) 愛迪生市宣教 - 挑戰與時機 Edison Mission - Challenge and Opportunity 講員 Speaker: Jane Behan (Global Gates missionary) 11:30 am – 1:00 pm 步行禱告 (愛迪生市) Prayer Walk (Edison) 10/24/2021 主日 Sunday: 9:15 – 9:30 am 禱告會 (新樓 202室) 9:45 - 10:40 am <--點擊 click 宣教問題解答 Q&A 11:00 am - 12:30 pm <--點擊 click 聯合崇拜 Combined Worship 信息三:盡我一切的愛神、愛人 Message 3: Loving God with My “All” and My Neighbor (路加福音Luke 10:27) 2:00 - 3:00 pm <--點擊 click 兒童崇拜 Children Worship (ZOOM) 信息: 無牆之屋 Message: House Without Walls